
Monday, August 6, 2012

Murt Makes Death Threats

There are two points here:
First the Pm’s are clearly fake because I am on record not using the kind of language that are contained within them. They are also fake because the conversations lack continuity. By that I mean that in a normal conversation, even in text form, there is a consistency in the topic being discussed. The PM’s are a series of “sound bytes” that jump from one sentence to another. This is not the way I message people in an extended session. There are thousands of posts of mine out there that brings this out.
This is the main reason the detective at the LCSO dismissed them outright. He saw them as obvious forgeries.
As for why I will not release the originals:
There a a number of reasons I am not releasing the original conversations. First, the ARE evidence in both the Anthony trial and a private investigation for a possible civil lawsuit. Next, the pm’s were not a single conversation but were actually 23 different conversations. They would not even be close to the original conversations because the conversation that was posted was faked almost from scratch. There is perhaps one or two sentences in the subject PM’s that were anywhere near accurate.
The final reason is that they were PRIVATE conversations that never should have been released to begin with. This issue is YEARS old. The pm’s even in their forged forms are meaningless. They are nothing but fodder for the attention whores who have no life and no power.
In the YEARS since the pm was released NOBODY has come forward with the specifics of, who originated the conversation, how the conversation was recorded and who the person was that released the information in the first place. In fact EVERYONE supporting the pm’ session as GENUINE is going out of their way to HIDE any information regarding them. It is as if they want to AVOID law enforcement investigation of their content by DENYING to law enforcement the specific evidence they would need in the event there was any legal remedy based on their existence.
Demeaning a total stranger hundreds of miles from there is entertaining for them. They are not seeking any truth. They are seeking laughs at the cost of an innocent victim.
The bullies/stalkers got what they wanted. So now they can move on to their next victim and leave me alone.
The trial is over Murt.  Post your copies of the PM.  You have admitted to having them and you have admitted to participating in the chat.  You said you don't use abusive language and you also said that you were trying to "draw out" the other side and your conversation was "ill advised".   You DO use abusive language and you have made death threats.   Does this ring a bell?  "You will be leaving in a body bag"  "Watch your back jack"  "You're going to find out what it is like to cross me"   "you're going to be on my mind 24/7 for the rest of my life".  

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