
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Murt's Hatred of Women

You are nothing more than a lying dumbass bitch that cannot keep her story straight.  You keep coming in here and spewing your bullshit and are too much of a COWARD to use your REAL NAME.
What a sorry lying sack of shit you are.  Why not go over to the blog run by that saloon whore.  You deserve each other. 
What YOU need to do is get on your back, spread your legs and get OFF the internet.
This is not the first time that Murt has behaved in this manner.  Murt's demeanor is abusive and demeaning and shows exactly how he behaves when he doesn't get his way.  


Anonymous said...

Hates women, but doesn't mind taking money from them, a real pos. I bet if you dug up his old backyard you'd find a few buried there too.

Anonymous said...

I was the one who he was saying that too. He's pissed at me because I wouldn't press charges against one of the women he is stalking. Murt used people to get info on those he has been accusing him of stalking. He wanted me to call one of the relatives of a certain person to get info about het. The relatives blame the woman for something and Murt wanted to know more info so he could post it in the internet


How easy it is for some Anonymous person to set up these bully blogs and LIE about people without having any proof.

YOU then remain nameless so that YOU do not have to account for your actions or prove what it is you claim.

YOU are nothing more than another coward bully on the internet.


Anonymous said...

Why would anyone leave their real name so you can stalk them too? You are nothing more than a psycho who needs to be sitting in jail.


It is rather odd that at least Holly Briley and numerous people out there INCLUDING THOSE WHO LIVE LESS THAN 15 minutes from where I am use their FULL NAMES.

The stalking claim is another lie and a cop out. The owner of this blog is a COWARD, a LIAR and a FRAUD.


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