
Monday, August 6, 2012

Murt Claims Dirty PM's a Casey Diversion

Murt tried to enlist the help of Dr. Lillian Glass by claiming that the dirty chats he had were a diversion.  LMAO

Dr. Glass. There has been a great deal of odd activity either by the Anthony family or by those on their behalf. One individual in particular is Private Detective Dominic Casey. He spent a great deal of time defaming innocent citizens who had nothing to do with this case.
I am a victim of Mr. Casey’s antics. Mr Casey provided unauthenticated material to various law enforcement agencies without bothering to contacting me to inquire as to the nature of this material. 
By submitting this material which was purported to be a PRIVATE conversation between me and an unknown individual was done so in violation of the Florida Security of Communications Act which ensure such conversations would be kept private. To date, Mr Casey has not been made accountable for his actions. 
Many individuals were the victims of the Wrath of the Anthony families simply because we had the opinion that Casey was not being straightforward with what has happened to Caylee. 
Were these acts by Dominic Casey on behalf of the Anthony’s an attempt to divert attention away from Casey? I would suggest an investigation is in order. 
William K Murtaugh
murtwitnessonelive - July 9, 2011 at 8:02 pm 
Cindy Anthony Cousin Claims George Was An Accomplice to the Crime Which Casey Will Explain In An Upcoming Book « Dr. Lillian Glass Body Language Blog

No Murt.  He turned the chats over because he thought you were a dirty pig like everyone else does.

1 comment:


The chats were deemed a fraud by every law enforcement agency that has reviewed them. In addition it has come to my attention a few weeks prior to this post that the fake chat was likely created by someone directly involved with the fate of Trenton Duckett. No proof was given to back up this information but it is interesting that I was contacted years after I was no longer interested in this case.

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